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STE 210 Sioux City IA 51106 (712) 224-4101 Scene of the Crash Car Show South Sioux City NE 68776 Scenic Park Campground Scenic Park Campground 801 Riverview Dr., South Sioux City NE 68776-0490 (402) 494-7540 Scooters 900 Dakota Ave South Sioux City Nebraska 68776 1-402-689-6390 Scratch and Peck Feeds Scratch and Peck Feeds 425 W. 39 ST South Sioux City NE 68776-0490 (402) 204-7177 Security National Bank 601 Pierce St. Sioux City IA 51101 (712) 277-6500 Senior Helping Seniors Siouxland Senior Helping Seniors Siouxland 718 Firethorn Trail Dakota Dunes SD 57049 (605) 540-0266 ServiceMaster of Sooland 1905 A Street South Sioux City NE 68776 (402) 494-3188 SERVPRO of Sooland 3220 Line Drive Sioux City IA 51106 (712) 274-2416 Shen-Dae-Man Properties LLC 729 E. 7th St., Ste. 2 South Sioux City NE 68776 (402) 494-7952 Silverstar Car Wash Silverstar Car Wash 1924 Cornhusker Drive South Sioux City NE 68776 (712) 800-0955 SIMPCO 6401 Gordon Drive Sioux City IA 51106 (712) 279-6286 Sioux City Bandits 401 Gordon Drive Sioux City IA 51101 (712) 790-6140 Sioux City Journal Sioux City Journal 2802 Castles Gate Dr. Sioux City IA 51106 (712) 293-4250 Sioux City Pizza Ranch 3116 Floyd Blvd Sioux City IA 51108 (712) 222-1777 Sioux City Public Schools Foundation 627 4th St. Sioux City IA 51101 712-224-7490 Sioux City Railroad Museum Sioux City Railroad Museum 3400 Sioux River Rd Sioux City IA 51109 (712) 233-6996 Siouxland Bank 1001 W. 29th St. P.O. Box 987 South Sioux City NE 68776 (402) 494-2001 Siouxland Chamber of Commerce 101 Pierce St. Sioux City IA 51101 (712) 255-7903 Siouxland Christian School Siouxland Christian School 6000 Gordon Dr Sioux City IA 51106 (712) 276-4732 Siouxland Coalition Against Human Trafficking (712) 281-4840 Siouxland Community Health Center - B... Siouxland Community Health Center - Behavioral Health Clinic 1122 Pierce Street Sioux City IA 51105 (712) 226-8956 Siouxland Community Health of Nebrask... Siouxland Community Health of Nebraska 3410 Futures Dr. South Sioux City NE 68776 (402) 412-7242 Siouxland Concrete Co. 200 E. 48th St. South Sioux City NE 68776 (402) 494-4248 Siouxland Digital Media Siouxland Digital Media 4917 Bradford Ln Sioux City ia 51109 (303) 717-3231 Siouxland Ethanol, LLC 1501 Knox Blvd. Jackson NE 68743 (402) 632-2676 Siouxland Federal Credit Union 3000 Plaza Dr. South Sioux City NE 68776 (402) 494-2073 Siouxland Freedom Park 1801 Veterans Drive South Sioux City NE 68776 (712) 253-0063 Siouxland Growth Organization P.O. Box 3565 Sioux City IA 51102 (712) 541-7380 Siouxland Gutter Guys 1910 9th Ave. South Sioux City NE 68776 (712) 490-1784 Siouxland Habitat for Humanity, Inc 1150 Tri View Avenue Sioux City IA 51103 (712) 255-6244 Siouxland Human Investment Partnership 2540 Glenn Ave. Sioux City IA 51106 (712) 222-6389 Siouxland Hydraulic Siouxland Hydraulic 329 W. Hwy. 20 South Sioux City NE 68776 (402) 494-4508 Siouxland Mental Health Center Siouxland Mental Health Center 909 W. 21st St South Sioux City NE 68776 (402) 412-4600 Siouxland Water Solutions 2523 Dakota Ave South Sioux City NE 68776 (402) 241-8787 Siouxland Youth for Christ 1807 Nebraska St. Sioux City IA 51102 (712) 255-9599 South Sioux Animal Hospital 1550 College Way South Sioux City NE 68776 (402) 494-3844 South Sioux City Area Chamber of Commerce & Tourism 2021 Dakota Avenue South Sioux City NE 68776 (402) 494-1626 South Sioux City Baseball Association South Sioux City Baseball Association 801 Riverview Drive PO Box 36 South Sioux City NE 68776 (712) 898-3899 South Sioux City Community Foundation South Sioux City Community Foundation 1615 1st Ave. South Sioux City NE 68776 (409) 494-7594 South Sioux City Marriott Riverfront 385 E. 4th St. South Sioux City NE 68776 (402) 494-4000 South Sioux City Morning Optimist Club Dakota Perk 3900 Dakota Ave South Sioux City NE 68776 (712) 301-2831 South Sioux Community Schools 210 W. 39th St. South Sioux City NE 68776 (402) 494-2425 Southern Hills Mall 4400 Sergeant Road Sioux City IA 51106 712-274-0109 Sparklight 900 Steuben St. Sioux City IA 51101 (712) 233-2000 St. Augustine Indian Mission 1 Mission Road South PO Box 766 Winnebago NE 68071 (402) 878-2402 St. Michael's Catholic School 1315 1st Ave. South Sioux City NE 68776 (402) 494-1526 School St. Paul United Methodist Church 2003 A St. P.O. Box 950 South Sioux City NE 68776 (402) 494-4138 State Farm Insurance - Myrah Favors 2801 Cornhusker Drive South Sioux City NE 68776 (402) 494-6465 State Farm Insurance - Thomas P. Yaneff 1000 W. 29th St., Ste. 208 South Sioux City NE 68776 (402) 494-1949 Stateline Electric & Automation, Inc. 1100 East 9th Street South Sioux City NE 68776 (402) 494-1477 Stephan Welding Shop Inc. Stephan Welding Shop Inc. 425 W. 25th St. South Sioux City NE 68776 (402) 494-1396 Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated Member SIPC and NYSE 700 4th St., Suite 100 Sioux City IA 51101-1743 (712) 252-6920 Stone Group Architects 117 Pierce St. Sioux City IA 51101 (712) 252-4014 Subway Subway 2720 Dakota Ave. South Sioux City NE 68776 (402) 494-8834 Summit Carbon Solutions 2321 N. Loop Dr. Ste 221 Ames IA 50010 (515) 299-0388 Sweet Like Honey Sweet Like Honey 109 Fairview Drive South Sioux City NE 68776 (712) 223-4536 SweetWater Café 2701 Flatwater Crossing South Sioux City NE 68776 (402) 933-3419